Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Four months post surgery

Her scar looks quite good, can't say enough about the plastic surgeon at U-M who did the work:


  1. Hello! Thank you so much for sharing your story! We are in the same situation with our 16 months old who has had a "spot" below her eye for ~3 months. After 3 rounds of antibiotics, ultrasound, etc. the doctors think that she has pilomatricoma. She has a surgery scheduled for Jan 3rd. We are ready to have the spot gone but are anxious about how it's going to turn out. How much of a scar this will leave her on her. Our plastic surgeon said that he will cut out an elipse, remove the bump, and sew the skin together in a line. Is this about what your surgeon did? Thanks so much for sharing the pictures! we hope that her surgery will be as successful as your little girls!!

    1. Yes, this is what our surgeon did. I was shocked at how minimal the scaring was/is. Find a great pediatric plastic surgeon and you should be pleasantly surprised how small the line is. Good luck!

  2. Thank you for the story and the photos of your beautiful daughter. My daughter (age 6) has a very large one on her chest (been there for 8 months, and like your daughter, we thought it was a tiny bug bite or small pimple) and is going to have it removed in 3 weeks. I was very concerned about the scarring as well, and I hope that ours turned out as good as your daughters!

  3. Thank you for sharing your story and the pictures. My 9 year old is about to go for round two. She had a pilomatricoma removed from her shoulder when she was 5 years old, and just a month ago, I noticed a similar bump on her temple (noticed it after it was bruised from a ski helmet!). After consulting with a pediatric surgeon, it turns out, it is another Pilomatricoma!! Apparently it is rare to have more than one, just our luck. She remembers the removal of the first and immediately was terrified...the smell of the gas still vivid in her mind. The Pediatric surgeon who removed the first one, wanted to do the second, insisted he could do as good a job as a plastic surgeon, but I'm not convinced. Being that it is on her temple, scarring worries me. The scar on her shoulder is very much visible and I wish he'd taken care to do a better job of stitching it like it was on her face.

    So now we are looking for a plastic surgeon and hope that soon we'll have it removed. Hoping it doesn't grow too quickly or too big!

    Thanks again for sharing your story!
