Thursday, October 26, 2017

Seven years later...still beautiful

Hello everyone!  If you're new here, start reading this blog from the oldest post will tell the story. If you're here for an update, I'm happy to share it!  Tess is now 10 years old and her scar is not visible at all.  In a few years (or sooner--help me, Lord) she'll be wearing makeup and I'm happy to say she won't even need to use make up to cover up her facial scar because you just can't see anything!  And it's been invisible for years.  So please don't be afraid of the surgery and scarring your beautiful child's face...if you get a great plastic surgeon and follow the guidelines in the Parent's Guide to Pilomatricoma (button to purchase at the right!) you'll end up with a still-perfect child :)
   xoxox  ~Kelly