Monday, January 30, 2012

Helpful Pilomatricoma Links--help me fill this in!

As I've said below, I suspect there isn't much else out there for parents of children with pilomatricomas that need removal.  If you've found useful sources of information please share with our community in the comments section below.

A year and a half post-op, and an invitation to you...

Two pictures of our darling daughter a year and a half post-op.  You can see in the first picture that her scar is visible if the light is right, but sometimes you can't see it at all (second picture).

We haven't had any more problems with the pilomatricoma and I probably won't post news about my daughter (unless something reappears!) But this blog gets a ton of hits so I suspect there isn't much else out there for parents of children with a pilomatricoma facing removal surgery.  Please share your pilomatricoma story in the comments section so visitors can learn from you and we can enrich our small community!